ガイアの夜明け  Dawn of Gaia


I was deeply impressed by the TV show "Dawn of Gaia" I saw yesterday.


Before the birth of the gods, there was nothing but chaos in the universe, but Gaia was born there, a goddess in Greek mythology, and a mother god of the world itself, including heaven. And even human beings are said to have that blood


 A program titled Gaia's Dawn, which has the ability to predict the future, was broadcast on a young president who collaborated with a university professor on an aging sheet that suppresses the decay of meat and fish and matures it by corona. The surplus ingredients from restaurants and sushi restaurants, which have been canceled due to the virus, are not disposed of, but are made to last longer, making them more delicious. An aging sheet in which a kind of mold that promotes aging is impregnated into the cloth can be used in various ways from now on.

The feeling of the president who has had a restaurant and struggled in various ways is that he wants to do something for the people,.I think the way of thinking about business, company and profits will change depending on the corona problem and take on new meaning.
 Even if the coronavirus subsides, we are not dreaming that it will  be the same world as before. I have to live with different values and different consciousness, so I think there are many things that I do not think and prepare during this period of silence. 


There was another person who worked for an IT company before, and now he is a president who is deserted and creates a canned company in Osaka and sells it at a store in Kyoto. It transforms the raw ingredients into high-quality canned food with unique ideas.

価値がある食材なのに人の口に運ばれないものを活用し、第一次産業や地域の食品加工会社を盛り上げて将来につなげていきたいというのですが、He wants to make use of the parts of the food that are not used and discarded,and to boost primary industries and local food processing companies into the future.
この会社に問い合わせをしてきたジビエ工房めいほうの元満さんという女性猟師は、自分が狩りをして捕ってきたきた鹿を解体して販売していて、その時でる端肉も鹿の命であり、自分が生命を絶ったものをすべて無駄なく食さなければならないと悩んでいたのですが、社長が試行錯誤の末作った軟骨を入れて食感を面白くした鹿肉のハンバーグの缶詰を試食して、「美味しい!ワインに合う」といったそのコメントが秀逸でした。「ワインによく合う!」The female huntsman who contacted this company dismantled and sells the deer that she had hunted and caught, but she always thinks also  inedible deer meat parts was the life of the deer. She was worried that she had to eat everything without waste.
She tried to eat a canned venison hamburger that had an interesting texture with cartilage made by the president after trial and error. That comment was excellent."This goes well with wine!"

 自分の生き方をいつも自問自答しながら考え、その時その時を全力で生きている彼女もガイアの夜明けにふさわしい人物ですが、紆余変遷生き抜いてきた彼らはコロナ以後も自分の感性を大事にしつつ人のために、自然や命を大事にしながら生きてゆくこれからの人間なのでしょう。She always thinks of her own way of life while asking herself, and at that time she lives with all her power, and she is also a suitable person for the dawn of Gaia. Those who have survived the twists and turns will be the future humans who will continue to value nature and life for people while preserving their sensitivity even after Corona


When the way we worked so far, such as mass production and the cloud industry, was denied by the cloud illness of Corona, we faced each other like the people who came out at the dawn of Gaia. I think that the key point is to work with the starting point of fulfilling one life. We will live in the future after the Corona, dawning in Gaia's big pockets.