The time is out of joint

 ハムレット第一幕第五場の有名なセリフ「此の世の関節が外れてしまった」を、朝の子供番組「にほんごであそぼ」で子供たちが語ったり、歌ったりしていました。今、なぜこの言葉が出てくるのか?それはいままさに、世界の関節が外れてしまったからにほかなりません。Children were talking and singing in the morning children's program "Nihongo de Asobo" about the famous dialogue "The time is out of joint" in the first act of Hamlet, Act 5. Why does this word come out now? That is exactly because the joints of the world have come off.

By the way, my husband was a judo reduction teacher, and he was good at healing fractures and dislocations manually without surgery. The technique of returning to the original state without bleeding blood and without anesthesia may have already become obsolete, but now the earth is irritating because its joints have come off, nature is raging. What are some tips on how to fix the condition of this world where coronaviruses and grasshoppers are widespread?

 さっきトルコのルポルタージュ番組見ていて、ある村長の息子さんがテロにあって無一文になりイスタンブールに出てきて靴磨きになり、必死に働いて月収百万稼げる時もあるようになったけれど、今も毎日通行人の靴を見て、どうしたらもっとよく磨けるか考えているし、転職しようとも思わないと言っているのを聞いて、誰にも何にも迷惑かけず、自分のわざと感性だけで限られた空間を使って必死で紡いでいる彼の人生に心打たれました。When I was watching a Turkish reportage program, a son of a village chief was attacked by terrorists, and he  went to Istanbul and  worked by shoe-shine desperately to earn a monthly income of 1 million. Even now, he look at the shoes of passersby every day and think how he can improve them better, and  he isn't willing to change jobs, he will not bother anyone and do his best.自分にできることとできないことを見極め、向いていることと向いていないことを区別し、自分の活動をうまく限定して他から隔離し、力を集中して全力をそこに注ぎ込むこと。優れた強い意志と忍耐力で技を磨き抜きつつ、人と関わりたいという情感を紡ぎ続けること。これはコロナ以後生きて行かなければならない私たちへの指針だと思います。 I was impressed with his life. Identify what he can do and what he can't, distinguish what he is or isn't facing, better limit his activity and isolate it from others, concentrate his energy. He continues to cultivate a feeling of wanting to interact with people while refining his skill with excellent strong will and patience. I think this is a guide for us to live after Corona.

 先ほどの子供番組の監修をしている斎藤孝さんは、世界の古典の中に現代の問題の解答があると言います。プラトンの饗宴の主題は実は同性愛だった、同性愛的なホモセクシュアルの関係が知的な人々の間では数多く営まれていて、しっかりと大地に根を生やしたように立ち続ける体を持ち、天命は天命のままに受け取って静かに忍従するところに道がある、しかもそれこそ大きな道で、その道を歩むものが知仁勇の徳を完成して、惑いも憂いも懼れ(おそれ)もない心境を開拓することが出来る。生きる意味は、永遠とも思える一瞬を生きることで生命の燃焼感が得られる、一瞬を確かにつかまえること、今生きている現在こそ永遠の一瞬なのです。Takashi Saito, who supervises the children's program mentioned earlier, says that some of the world's classics have answers to contemporary problems. The theme of Plato's”  Symposium ” was actually homosexuality, many homosexual relationships were carried out among intellectuals. With a body that firmly rooted in the earth and a natural life. There is a place where you can receive it as it is, and quietly obey it, and that is a big road, and the one who walks along that road completes the virtue, wisdom, and valour and there is no feeling of confusion or fear. The meaning of living is that you can feel the burning of life by living a moment that seems to be eternal, you can certainly catch the moment, and now you are living now is an eternal moment.

 ゲストの中にはLGBTQの方もいましたが、どう私の中で考えていいか今まではっきりわかりませんでした。でもコロナ以後こういう事態になって、ただ考えるだけの日々が続き、そして古典を読みながら驚いたことは、解答は初めから出ていたのにただ私が気が付かなかっただけだったこと、欲に駆られ目先の利益や稚拙な感情のおもむくままに悪事を重ねてきた人間が、コロナウィルスのストップコールによってはじめてわかったのです。ショーペンハウエルが「思索」という項で、自分の頭で徹底的に考え抜け、読書するなら自分が考えるためのエネルギーになり、栄養になる読み方をしろ、具体的なアイディアを出せと書いていますが、この子供番組が指し示している道筋は物凄く確かなものなのです。Some of our guests were LGBTQ, but I wasn't sure how I thought about it. However, after Corona, it was like this, and the days I just thought about continued, and what surprised me while reading the classics was that the answers came out from the beginning, but I didn't even notice. Human beings who have been greedy and have been doing bad things with their immediate profits and immature feelings, have realized their mistakes for the first time by the coronavirus stop call.

本当に力と言えるもので持つに値するものはたった一つ、何かを獲得する力ではなくて、受け入れる力です。愛情も、光も、影も、生も、死も、すべて受け入れること。There is only one thing that can really be called power that is worth holding, not the ability to acquire something, but the ability to accept it. Accept all affection, light, shadow, life, and death.

 Now we have to do our best for a world that has been out of joint.