月  The moon

 八月になりました。変化と浄化の月だそうでそうですが、四時過ぎに浴衣姿で現れたゲストと家の二階と屋上を使って新しいおもてなしをすることが出来ました。お持たせの漬物やお豆腐をいただき、たまたまうちにあった宮古島の古酒やスコッチウィスキー、ブランデーを飲みながら、途中で河岸を変えて屋上に行き、デッキチェアに座って久しぶりに月を見ながらゲストと夫と私と三人と時をを過ごしました。満月は八月四日で、少しいびつな月はしっかりと空に位置して、風も涼しく、落ち着いた夜の風景です。家を建て直す知り合いから、置き場所がなくいらなくなった着物百枚以上いただき、浴衣も二十枚以上あってその中の一枚を着てくださった今日のゲストは、月明かりの中で少し酔いが回って饒舌に楽しそうに話しています。日本人で普通に日本語話しながら過ごしているのですが、私の感覚は外国のゲストと対している時と同じで、その方の考え方とか過去とかわからないところが多いと想像するしかないのですが、わかるかわからないかということは問題ではなく、あるひとときの共有であり、そしてそこで着物を着ているということが一番大きな問題なのです。It's August. It seems to be the month of change and purification, but I was able to offer new hospitality using the guest who appeared in yukata after 4 o'clock and the second floor of the house and the rooftop. We ate pickled vegetables and tofu that she brought, and we drank Miyakojima's old sake, Scotch whiskey, and brandy that we had, go to the rooftop halfway, sitting on deck chairs and watching the moon after a long time I spent time with my guest, my husband, and me. The full moon is August 4th, and the slightly distorted moon is firmly located in the sky, the wind is cool, and it is a calm night scenery. From the acquaintance who rebuilds the house, I got more than 100 kimonos , and 20 yukatas and the guest wore one of them. She was a little drunk in the moonlight and we talked happily. We are all Japanese , but my feeling is the same as when I'm dealing with a foreign guest, and I can only imagine that there are many places where I don't know that person's way of thinking or the past. It doesn't matter if you understand or not, it's a moment of sharing, and wearing kimono there is the biggest problem.

 時々襟を詰める仕草をしながら、酔いもあってか月明かりにふっと表情や顔つきが変化して不思議な雰囲気を醸し出すゲストの横顔は、これまで来た沢山の外国人のゲストが柴又のお寺や庭園でふと見せる”虚”の表情と一緒で、それは永遠に対する想いであり、変わらないものでした。一年前に20歳の娘さんと来たカリブ海生まれでオランダに住んでいるゲストと同じ目をしていると気が付いたのですが、日本人は着物を着てもほとんど感情を表さないことが多いのに、このゲストのくるくる変わる表情こそが着物を着るということを表現しているとあらためて気づきました。私は内向的でとはじめ言っていたアメリカの女の子が、私の結納の着物着て街を歩いて、「綺麗ねえ」と言われた時の本当に嬉しそうな表情を今だ思い出すのですが、着物の表現力というものを何百回も近くで感じている私は幸せです。The guest's face, which has been drunk and changes its expression and face in the moonlight, creates a mysterious atmosphere as same as the look of many foreign guests who have come to Shibamata temples and gardens. It was a feeling for eternity, and it never changed. I realized that I had the same eyes as a guest who was born in the Caribbean and lives in the Netherlands, who came with my 20-year-old daughter a year ago. Japanese people often don't show much emotion when wearing kimono, but I realized again that the changing expression of this guest expresses wearing kimono.An American girl who used to say I was an introvert wears my kimono, walks around the city, and Istill remembers the happy expression when everyone said, "You're pretty".  I am happy that I feel the expressiveness of kimono hundreds of times.


 そして今日一番喜んだのは…私はお月様だと思っています。It is said that there is no opportunity to wear a kimono or where to go, and this year there are no fireworks and Bon Odori. If you are prohibited from gathering in kimono, you will not want to wear it. However, today's guest came saying that she wanted to wear a yukata, I could take a two-shot photo with  the Moon and she for the first time,  and I am confident that I will dress a kimono from a new perspective.  The same day will never come again. 

And who is the most pleased today? ...I think it's the Moon.